STONE: STONE is a unique narrative-driven adventure game that follows the story of a koala private investigator named Stone. Set in a noir-inspired world, players must unravel a mystery involving the disappearance of Stone’s friend. With a distinct art style, a jazzy soundtrack, and engaging storytelling, the game combines humor and drama in a compelling way.
Mekhi –
Think everyone should know about this, it’s just beyond my expectations
Vivienne –
I got excellent support for this item. They were patient with me, and helped me solve my issue. I recommend this company 100%
Justice –
the website did fail to load a couple of times though, hence the 4/5 note.
Liana –
Quite easy to use, nice design, surely will buy again
Buford –
Discounted rates on several games and services. The “Mystery Pack” was a huge disappointment, however – waste of money for games of no interest.
Cheyenne –
Not the best thing, but worth the money
Vanessa –
I like this item and also the customer service of them.
Emmet –
nice 🙂