Twin Mirror: Twin Mirror is an episodic narrative-driven adventure game that follows the story of Sam Higgs, a former investigative journalist. Players navigate Sam’s troubled mind, solve puzzles, and make choices that impact the unfolding mystery. The game features a unique psychological thriller narrative and immersive investigative gameplay.
Rory –
It’s hard to describe when this item just disappoints me in many ways.
Javier –
Black list of games is a very needed feature very annoying to browse same games over and over again.
Jermey –
Quite happy with walesdeals support.
Juliana –
Great service almost all the time.
Wilton –
Had a fair experience checking out. At first there was a problem trying to check out, but I retried and it worked as well as the key did!
Tiana –
I rarely leave a comment, but this item is beyond worth it! Gotta let you guys know!
Anahi –
Low prices were great and the games activated without issue! My only issue is that there is a lack of available games to purchase.
Stephan –
Key received immediately and worked perfectly. Nice to get some money off
Santos –
Good customer support, but you still declined my refund request regarding the item quality.
Josie –
It was just a matter of waiting, the code was validated in 4 days, sorry for what happened.
Elissa –
Got the refunds now but just after giving a bad review. Still not what I define as a really good customer support.